Lean UX Page 19
focusing on outcomes instead of, Principle: getting out of the deliverables business
delivery backlog, Dual-Track Agile
demographic information (personas), Persona Format
demos and previews for prototypes, Demos and Previews
deploymentcontinuous, Design Is Always Evolving
environments not allowing for frequent releases, Staggered Sprints and Their Modern Offshoots
designcollaborative, Collaborative Design-Wrapping Updesign systems, Design Systems-Collaborating with Geographically Distributed Teams
informal approach, Collaborative Design: The Informal Approach
making collaboration work, Making Collaboration Work
more structured approch, Collaborative Design: A More Structured Approach
running a design studio, Running a Design Studio-Using the output
with geographically distributed teams, Collaborating with Geographically Distributed Teams-Design Studio with remote teams
data-informed versus data-driven, Hypotheses
Lean UX, Design Is Always Evolving
of physical materials versus software, Design Is Always Evolving
shifting from BDUF to Agile-fall, SHIFT: From BDUF to Agile-fall: same thing, new day
speed trumping aesthetic perfection, SHIFT: Fall in love with the problem, not the solution
sprint zero or staggered sprints, Staggered Sprints and Their Modern Offshoots
user experience, The Foundations of Lean UX
design sessions, Collaborative Design: The Informal Approachcollaborative, with distributed teams, Collaborative Design Sessions with Distributed Teamspriming the pump with affinity mapping, Priming the pump with affinity mapping
setup, Set up
design sprints, Some Definitions, Staggered Sprints and Their Modern Offshootsevolution of, Evolving the Design Sprint
kicking off themes with, Kick Off the Theme with a Design Sprint
pitfalls to watch out for, Evolving the Design Sprint
design studios, running, Running a Design Studioindividual idea generation, Individual idea generation (10 minutes)
pairing up to iterate and refine, Pair up to iterate and refine (10 minutes)
presentation and critique, Presentation and critique (3 minutes per person)
problem definition and constraints, Problem definition and constraints (15–45 minutes)
process, Process
setting, Setting
supplies, Supplies
team, The team
team idea generation, Team idea generation (45 minutes)
using the output, Using the output
with remote teams, Design Studio with remote teams
design systems, Design Systems-Collaborating with Geographically Distributed Teamsbenefits of, The Value of Design Systems
case study, GE design system, Case Study: GE Design System-Case Study: GE Design System
clarifying terminology, Design Systems: What’s in a Name?
creating, Creating a Design System-Collaborating with Geographically Distributed Teamscharacteristics of successful design systems, Characteristics of successful design systems and style guides
elements included in design systems, What goes into a design system?
design thinking, The Foundations of Lean UX
designersnew skills for UX designers, SHIFT: New skills for UX designers
participation in Agile processes, Participation
wanting to be heroes, SHIFT: No more heroes
development partnersparticipation in all phases of project lifecycle, A quick note about development partners
working with third-party engineers, Working with Third-Party Engineers
working with third-party vendors, SHIFT: Working with third-party vendors
digital design systems (see design systems)
digital product studio, setting client expectations at, ustwo case study, Setting Client Expectations at a Digital Product Studio: Lean UX at ustwo-Following the Workshop, MVPs and Collaboration
discoveryin dual-track Agile, Dual-Track Agile
separate discovery and delivery teams, Dual-Track Agile
discovery backlog, Dual-Track Agileproblems with, Dual-Track Agile
discovery, collaborative (see collaborative discovery)
discovery, continuous (see continuous discovery)
distributed teamscollaborating with, Collaborating with Geographically Distributed Teams-Design Studio with remote teams
working with in lean UX implementation, SHIFT: Distributed teams
documentation standards, SHIFT: Documentation standards
doubt to certainty, moving from, Principle: moving from doubt to certainty
dual-track Agile, Some Definitions, Dual-Track Agile
empathy maps, Proto Personas
empowered teams, Principle: self-sufficient and empowered
enterprise organizationsimplementing lean UX at, A Last Word
lean UX and Agile in, Lean UX and Agile in the Enterprise
Experience Stories, Alignment, Coordination, and Flexibility
experiment stories, Experiment Storieselements contained in, Experiment Stories
experimentation and creativity, Principle: permission to fail
externalizing your work, Principle: externalizing your work
facilitation as core designer compentency, SHIFT: New skills for UX designers
failure, permission to fail, Principle: permission to fail
feature fakes, Examples of MVPs
features, Assumptions: The Big FourA/B testing, Coded and Live-Data Prototypes
assembling your feature hypotheses, Running the exercise: assembling your feature hypotheses
determining, exercise in, Running the exercise: features
focusing on outcomes instead of, Driving Vision with Outcomes
hypothesis statment focused on, Hypotheses: Tactical and Testable
stepping away from feature roadmap approach, SHIFT: Managing up and out
feedback, Feedback and Research(see also customer feedback; research and learning)
gaining market feedback with continuous deployment, Design Is Always Evolving
in design studio presentation and critique, Presentation and critique (3 minutes per person)
file-sharing software, SHIFT: Distributed teams
Flickr, feature fakes, Examples of MVPs
Fried, Jason, SHIFT: Speed first, aesthetics second
gated, handoff-based (waterfall) processes, avoiding, Principle: cross-functional teams
GE design system (case study), Case Study: GE Design System-Case Study: GE Design System
GEL design system, Westpac, What goes into a design system?
Goldstone, Lane, Design Is a Team Sport
GOOB (getting out of the building), Principle: GOOB: the new user-centricity
Google Hangouts, Collaborating with Geographically Distributed Teams
Google Sheets, using in affinity mapping, Priming the pump with affinity mapping
gurus, Principle: no rock stars, gurus, or ninjas
hardcoded (or static data) prototypes, Coded and Live-Data Prototypes
Hello Group agency, changing the way they sell work (lean UX case study), Lean UX in an Agency: Changing the Way We Sell Work-Working with Third-Party Engineersalignment, coordination, and flexibility, Alignment, Coordination, and Flexibility
Hermes project, Fixing Checkout
heroes, shifting away from, SHIFT: No more heroes
high-fidelity on-screen prototypes, Middle- and High-Fidelity On-Screen Prototypes
high-fidelity visual mockups (not clickable), High-fidelity visual mockups (not clickable)
Hipchat, SHIFT: Distributed teams
HTML/CSS framework, Bootstrap, Case Study: GE Design System
Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), Apple, Design Systems: What’s in a Name?
uman needs, identifying, The Foundations of Lean UX
hypotheses, Using the Right Wordsbacklog of, from design sprints, Evolving the Design Sprint
for features, Running the exercise: assembling your feature hypotheses
getting from problem statement to hypothesis, Getting from Problem Statement to Hypothesiscompleting your hypothesis statements, Completing Your Hypothesis Statements
hypothesis statements versus Agile user stories, Running the exercise: assembling your feature hypotheses
prioritizing, Prioritizing Hypotheses
tactical and testable, Hypotheses: Tactical and Testable
testing a hypothesis in CarMax case study, Testing a Hypothesis, Testing Another Hypothesis
transforming business assumptions into, Hypotheses
hypothesis statement, Using the Right Words
impact, Running the exercise: business outcomes
implementation, understanding, creating an MVP for, Creating an MVP to Understand Implementation
Industrial Internet Design System (IIDS), Case Study: GE Design System
interviewscollaborative discovery in the field, Collaborative Discovery in the Field
planning questions for, Collaborative Discovery in the Field
IPMs (see iteration planning meetings)
iteration planning meetings, Some Definitions, Iteration Planning Meeting
JavaScript, Polymer framework, Case Study: GE Design System
key performance indicators (KPIs), Running the exercise: business outcomes
Kickstarter, landing page MVPs, Examples of MVPs
Knapp, Jake, Evolving the Design Sprint
Knowsy case study, Case Study: Knowsy (by Lane Goldstone)-Beyond the Scrum Teambreaking the design bottleneck, Breaking the Design Bottleneck
outcome of Knowsy's foray into Lean UX, The Outcome
shared vision empowering independent work, A Shared Vision Empowers Independent Work
The Innovation Games Company (TIGC), The Innovation Games Company
Kowitz, Braden, Evolving the Design Sprint
landing page tests, Examples of MVPs
LaunchRocket, Examples of MVPs
lean startup, The Foundations of Lean UX
Lean UX, Design Is Always Evolvingcomponents of, Design Is Always Evolving
defined, So, What Is the Definition of Lean UX?
integrating with Agile, Integrating Lean UX and Agile-Wrapping Up
learning, Feedback and Research(see also research and learning)
continuous, Continuous Learning-Making Sense of the Research: A Team Activityin the lab, three users each Thursday, Continuous Learning in the Lab: Three Users Every Thursday
design sprints and, Evolving the Design Sprint
learning goals for MVPs, Example: Should We Launch a Newsletter?, Creating an MVPbeing clear about, Some Final Guidelines for Creating MVPs
Truth Curve, Some Final Guidelines for Creating MVPs
understanding implementation, Creating an MVP to Understand Implementation
understanding the value of your idea, Creating an MVP to Understand Value
live-data prototypes, Coded and Live-Data Prototypes
low-fidelity on-screen mockups, Low-Fidelity On-Screen Mockups
making, valuing over analysis, Principle: making over analysis
management check-ins and team momentum, Beyond the Scrum Team
MapMyRun, feature fake example, Examples of MVPs
McClure, Dave, Running the exercise: business outcomes
meetings (in Scrum), Themes
Meetup, usability testing, three users every Thursday, Case Study: Three Users Every Thursday at Meetup
middle- and high-fidelity on-screen prototypes, Middle- and High-Fidelity On-Screen Prototypes
Miller, Lynn, Staggered Sprints and Their Modern Offshoots
minimum viable products (MVPs), The Foundations of Lean UX, Using the Right Words, Minimum Viable Products and Prototypes-Example: Wizard of Oz MVP for Taproot Pluscreating, Creating an MVPguidelines for, Some Final Guidelines for Creating MVPs
to understand implementation, Creating an MVP to Understand Implementation
to understand value, Creating an MVP to Understand Value
defined, What Is an MVP Anyway?
examples of, Examples of MVPs-Example: Wizard of Oz MVP for Taproot Plusdeciding whether to launch a newsletter, Example: Should We Launch a Newsletter?
Wizard of Oz MVP for Taproot Plus, Example: Wizard of Oz MVP for Taproot Plus
in Meetup's mobile usability testing, Case Study: Three Users Every Thursday at Meetup
in ustwo lean UX case study, Following the Workshop, MVPs and Collaboration
using a prototype MVP, Example: Using a Prototype MVP
monitoring techniques for continuous and collaborative discovery, Monitoring Techniques for Continuous and Collaborative Discovery-A/B testingA/B testing, A/B testing
customer service, Customer Service
on-site feedback surveys, On-Site Feedback Surveys
search logs, Search logs
site usage analytics, Site usage analytics
MVPs (see minimum viable products)
needs, obstacles, and desires (personas), Persona Format
ninjas, Principle: no rock stars, gurus, or ninjas
online to offline, lean UX at CarMax (case study), Online to Offline: Lean UX at CarMax-Setting Client Expectations at a Digital Product Studio: Lean UX at ustwo
organizational shifts in implementing lean UX, Making Organizational Shifts-Wrapping Upchanging culture, Changing Culturebeing realistic about your environment, SHIFT: Be realistic about your environment
falling in love with the problem, not the solution, SHIFT: Fall in love with the problem, not the solution
humility, SHIFT: Humility
no more heroes, SHIFT: No more heroes
shifting agency culture, SHIFT: Agencies are in the deliverables business
workspaces, SHIFT: Workspace
new skills for UX designers, SHIFT: New skills for UX designers
outcomes, SHIFT: Outcomes
shifting process, Shifting Processdoumentation standards, SHIFT: Documentation standards
from BDUF to Agile-fall, SHIFT: From BDUF to Agile-fall: same thing, new day
managing up and out, SHIFT: Managing up and out
UX debt, Shift: UX debt
shifting team organization, Shifting Team Organizationcross-functional teams, SHIFT: Cross-functional teams
distributed teams, SHIFT: Distributed teams
roles and, SHIFT: Roles
working with third-party vendors, SHIFT: Working with third-party vendors
organizations, benefits of design systems for, The Value of Design Systems
outcomesdriving vision with, Driving Vision with Outcomes-Wrapping Upassumptions, Assumptions
from problem statement to hypothesis, Getting from Problem Statement to Hypothesis
using the right words, Using the Right Words
managing to, with multiple teams in enterprises, Lean UX and Agile in the Enterprise
not output, Principle: outcomes, not output
output, outcome, and impact, Running the exercise: business outcomes
seeking in CarMax case study, Seeking an Outcome
shifting to, in implementing lean UX, SHIFT: Outcomes, SHIFT: Agencies are in the deliverables business
outputfocusing on outcomes instead of, Principle: outcomes, not output, Running the exercise: business outcomes
output, outcome, and impact, Running the exercise: business outcomes
outsourcingof research, problems with, Collaborative Discovery
working with third-party vendors, SHIFT: Working with third-party vendors
paper prototypes, Paper Prototypesin Knowsy case study, Breaking the Design Bottleneckr />
pros and cons of, Pros
participants, recruiting for usability testing, Who Should Watch?
patternsfinding in research data, Confusion, Contradiction, and (Lack of) Clarity
identifying over time in lean UX research data, Identifying Patterns Over Time
Patton, Jeff, Dual-Track Agile, Shift: UX debt
PayPal, lean UX at (case study), Regulations and Financial Services: Lean UX at PayPal-The Resultsfixing checkout, Fixing Checkout
getting started and overcoming obstacles, Getting Started and Overcoming Obstacles
results of Hermes project, The Results
team, The Team
permission to fail, Principle: permission to fail
personas, Running the exercise: usersconsidering in feature hypothesis construction, Running the exercise: assembling your feature hypotheses
created in CarMax case study, Proto Personas
creation process, The Persona Creation Process